For over 20 years, Processkontroll Green Technology has been your reliable partner in the transition to a greener future, with more than 300 constructed and maintained mobile gas flats enabling the use of fossil-free biogas where gas networks are lacking.
You may already know that we carry out 10-year refurbishments according to the ADR directives for the gas flats we have built. But were you aware that we also work with customers to analyze other manufacturers' cylinders and, if possible, design upgrade proposals?
In our ongoing project with Gasum, we have the privilege of refurbishing and upgrading around 120 mobile gas cylinders to the ADR directives, a comprehensive work spanning several years, all to ensure a greener future.
Watch our latest short film illustrating this work with impressive before and after pictures of the gas cylinders.
Read more about our Mobile Gas Storage - Processkontroll GT